How much taxi fare from Abu Dhabi Airport to City Centre?

taxi fare from Abu Dhabi Airport to City Centre

The distance between Abu Dhabi International Airport and the city center is approximately 30 kilometers (18.6 miles). The cost of a taxi from Abu Dhabi International Airport to the city center can vary depending on the time of day and the taxi company you choose. On average, a one-way trip can cost between 70 AED to 100 AED (approximately $19 to $27 USD). It’s important to note that some taxi companies may charge additional fees for things like tolls and luggage. To prevent any unexpected charges, it is advisable to pre-book a taxi with Dubai Airport Transfer 24. By doing so, you can ensure that you will pay the exact fare with no hidden fees or surcharges.

Dubai Airport Transfer 24:- +917-50-727-1784

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